Hockey Manitoba would like to inform each of our minor hockey associations of a secure online method of processing criminal record checks for your volunteers. The company is “My Back Check” and it enables associations to set up an account that will be listed on a main Hockey Manitoba landing page for your volunteers to access and process a criminal record check online. The landing page can be viewed at this address:
Once your association has created an account, the link will be activated on the landing page. As a member of Hockey Manitoba, each record check is completed at a low cost of $25.00 and results are available within 24 hours of submission. This method provides a quick and cost effective way to process record checks. Volunteers can pay for their record checks online or associations may wish to pay directly for their members’ record checks.
If your association is interested follow this link to set up your account with My Back Check:
To receive the preferred Hockey Manitoba member rate for record checks and ensure that your link is activated on the Hockey Manitoba landing page, please write in“affiliated with Hockey Manitoba” under the additional comments section when registering. Once registered, a contact with My Back Check will provide you additional information regarding username & password, online tutorials etc. to assist you in using the system.
Below is an FAQ link that should be able to answer all the questions you may have including security related questions.
For more information on the My Back Check online system, please contact Iain Murray at or toll free at 1-866-455-5640.
Thank you.