Office Closed/Additional information on the cancellation of the 2019-2020 season

WINNIPEG, Man. – Following the decision by Hockey Canada to cancel all sanctioned events for the remainder of the 2019 – 2020 season due to concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, Hockey Manitoba has prepared the following Frequently Asked Questions for its members as it relates to the cancelled 2019 – 2020 season.
Q-1. How long is the hockey season cancelled and when will hockey resume?
A-1. Effective Friday, March 13, 2020 the remainder of the 2019 – 2020 hockey season was officially cancelled. It will not resume. This cancellation includes ALL Hockey Canada sanctioned events. Currently, there is no timeline for resuming Hockey Canada sanctioned and Hockey Manitoba sanctioned activities and events. We will update our membership as soon as we learn more from Hockey Canada.
Q-2. What are Hockey Canada sanctioned events?
A-2. All hockey events that fall under the governance of Hockey Canada and Hockey Manitoba. This includes ALL practices, games, tournaments, camps, provincial championships, try-outs, team identification (ID) camps, off-ice team activities, year-end windups and team activities.
Q-3. Does this impact all hockey participants in Manitoba?
A-3. No, it only impacts participants who are registered through Hockey Canada and the Hockey Manitoba branch.
Q-4. Is the Hockey Manitoba office closed?
A-4. Yes, the Hockey Manitoba office is closed to the public effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020. All Hockey Manitoba staff can be reached via email. Click here for the Hockey Manitoba staff directory.
Q-5. Does the cancellation of the season mean our team cannot practice?
A-5. Yes. All practices are cancelled. All Hockey Canada sanctioned events have been cancelled for the 2019 – 2020 season.
Q-6. Which Hockey Manitoba programs are officially cancelled?
A-6. All Hockey Manitoba sanctioned programs and events are officially cancelled including but not limited to 2020 CCM Spring Break Goalie Camp, 2020 Hockey Manitoba Cup, 2020 Directors Cup Prospects program, 2020 Rising Stars Plus program, 2020 Female Peewee Prospects program, 2020 Program of Excellence Female U-16 Spring Camp and Top 40 Camp, 2020 Program of Excellence Female U-18 Spring Camp and Top 40 Camp, 2020 Program of Excellence Male U-16 Spring Camp and Top 40 Camp.
Q-7. Will Spring Development Programs like the Directors Cup Prospects be re-scheduled at a later date?
A-7. No. All Spring Development Programs have been cancelled and will not be re-scheduled for later in the Spring or Summer.
Q-8. If I have already paid for one of these programs will I get a refund?
A-8. All athletes who have submitted registration and paid the registration fee will be provided with a full refund of their registration fee. This refund will be processed directly to the credit card that was used for payment. If payment was made through an alternate method, a refund will be provided by cheque.
Q-9. Will the Program of Excellence be continued at a later date?
A-9. Based on how the situation with COVID-19 develops over the next few weeks we will continue to work on developing a new program structure in order to continue with the selection for the Male and Female Program of Excellence. Once a new program structure is put in place a new invitation process will be executed along with the registration process. Depending on the length of the disruption from COVID-19 the updated Program structure may include fewer athletes than the original invitation list for the Spring Selection Camps.
Q-10. Does this include private hockey programs, private spring hockey programs, and other non-sanction hockey leagues?
A-10. Private spring hockey programs and other non-sanctioned leagues operate outside of Hockey Manitoba’s bylaws and regulations. If they continue to operate, they would be doing so in isolation and without Hockey Canada Sanction and Insurance.
Q-11. Will 2020 provincial championship hosts be given right-of-first-refusal to host the events next season?
A-11. Yes, all associations that were hosting 2020 provincial championship tournaments that were cancelled will be given right-of-first-refusal to host in 2021 provided they are in compliance with the Hockey Manitoba Rules and Regulations.
Q-12. What does this mean for Extended Season?
A-12. Extended and Transition season is canceled and teams that have already registered will not be charged.
Q-13. Will I be refunded for tournament sanctions and travel permits for any tournaments scheduled after March 13, 2020 ?
A-13. Yes, you will be refunded for the costs associated with tournament sanctions or travel permits. Please contact Bonnie Lawson at regarding tournament sanctions and provide the name of the person who purchased the sanction, the MHA, the dates of the tournament and the division.
Q-14. How will this affect Hockey Manitoba scholarship applications?
A-14. The original application deadline for Hockey Manitoba Scholarships was April 1, 2020. Due to recent circumstances, we have extended the scholarship deadline to May 1, 2020. A transcript that includes your grades up to the end of the first semester of this school year will be accepted.
Q-15. Are members or MHA’s allowed to continue to host meetings?
A-15. Hockey Canada strongly recommends that all meetings should be conducted remotely, and that they should also consider the advice of their provincial health authorities on public gatherings and social distancing but that the final decision is ultimately up to them.