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Training & Clinics

Coach clinics are now open for registration with new dates and locations added regularly. The deadline to meet all coach requirements is December 1, 2024.

Please Note: If you have completed HU – Online Coach 1/Coach 2 but did not complete the second certification step of completing the Coach 1 or Coach 2 clinic you will need to complete the new Hockey Canada Learning Lab, Coach – Hockey Canada Coach 1, for Coach 1 certification, and Coach – Hockey Canada Coach 2, for Coach 2 certification. After completing this, you must complete a clinic that applies to your coaching level. Please consult our Certification Requirements and follow the certification steps listed under the specific coaching levels.

All coaches registering for a Coach 1 – Intro to Coach or Coach 2 – Coach Level clinic must complete the Hockey Canada – Coach 1 or Hockey Canada Coach 2 prior to signing up for their virtual clinic.

For those who have coached prior to the 2024-25 season, please update your email address on the Hockey Canada Registry account to your most current email.

If you have any questions please email Nick Holben at

** If you are a rostered team official (coach, manager, safety person, etc.) for the current season, please familiarize yourself with the Certification Requirements for your position and ensure these are completed in advance of the deadline.  We would also encourage you to review regulation K. 9 found on page 121 of the Hockey Manitoba Constitution, Regulations and Rules of Competition.

All coaches registering for a clinic must also complete the Respect in Sport – Activity Leaders online course. Please note that beginning in 2017-2018 Hockey Manitoba no longer accepts the Speak Out course for coaches. Respect in Sport is only valid for five (5) years therefore any coach that completed their Respect in Sport prior to the 2019 – 2020 season will be required to re-certify with Respect in Sport.

Coaches that require Coach 1 – Intro to Coach or Coach 2 – Coach Level for the category they are coaching only need “TRAINED” status. Coaches that require Development 1 or High Performance 1 must earn “CERTIFIED” status.

High Performance 1 coaches earn “CERTIFIED” status by attending the multi-day HP1 seminar and receiving a passing grade on their written assignment and field evaluations. Development 1 coaches can earn “CERTIFIED” status by attending the two day training course as well as receiving a passing grade on their Making Ethical Decisions course and field evaluations.

Please ensure that you are aware of the proper training that qualifies you to coach at your level of hockey. A complete list of Coaching Requirements can be found HERE that will help determine the training you need.




*** Coaches training, certification and mentorship proudly supported by Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries.