The deadline to meet all coach requirements is December 1, 2024.
Please Note: If you have completed HU – Online Coach 1/Coach 2 but did not complete the second certification step of completing the Coach 1 or Coach 2 clinic you will need to complete the new Hockey Canada Learning Lab, Coach – Hockey Canada Coach 1, for Coach 1 certification, and Coach – Hockey Canada Coach 2, for Coach 2 certification. After completing this, you must complete a clinic that applies to your coaching level. Please consult our Certification Requirements and follow the certification steps listed under the specific coaching levels.
Coach 2 – Coach Level training is a requirement for any coaches that are coaching at the UNDER-11 to UNDER-18 level up to and including AA. This level of training is also accepted at the UNDER-9 level (formerly the NOVICE level). If you are not coaching one of these age categories please consult the Coach Requirements page to find the appropriate level of training for your age category. The main focus of this training program is on teaching core hockey skills to young athletes in a progressive approach and how to properly the manage environment where those skills are taught.
Coach 2 – Coach Level is a 3-step process. Below are the detailed steps to assist you in registration:
- If you have already completed the Respect in Sport - Activity Leaders course within the past 5 years you can bypass this step.
- If you have never completed the in Respect in Sport - Activity Leaders course or completed it during the 2018-19 season or prior please follow the steps below:
- Access the Respect in Sport database by clicking here.
- If you have an existing profile log-in using your email and password. If you are new to RIS create a new account.
- Please ensure when creating a new account that your birth date and name match what is listed on your eHockey participate profile.
- Once you have logged in or created a new account ensure that you select your MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION by going to the ASSOCIATIONS tab at the top of the screen.
- You can now go through and complete the online course.
- Please ensure that once you have competed the online course you also complete the survey at the end as it will not list your course as completed until the survey is done.
- The pre-requisite for this course is Respect in Sport Activity Leader
- Click here to register for Hockey Canada - Coach 2 (this course will be delivered online and can be taken any time)
- Follow the prompts to complete registration.
- Upon completion, your Hockey Canada profile will show credit for the course, and you will be able to register for ONE of the following mandatory clinics: Small Area Games, Goaltending 1, Confident Coaching with Sobby & Landy
- Clinic information & invoice emails from Hockey Canada will be sent after registration, be sure to check your Spam folder.
- Using the table below, select your one desired Instructional Stream clinic
- Click the blue hyper link to go directly to the signup page for that clinic.
- Once you have selected your clinic, follow the prompts to complete registration.
- Once your clinic registration is complete you will receive a confirmation email that will include a blue hyper-link to register for the Zoom session where your clinic will take place.
- Click on the link and follow through the prompts to complete your Zoom registration for the clinic.
- This will send you an email with the Zoom call information for your registered clinic.
- On the day of your clinic, use the Zoom call information to log in and join the clinic.
Note: Please ensure you have completed Hockey Canada – Coach 2 before you register for a Coach 2 – Instructional Stream clinic.