Provincial Team Registration Deadline Reminder
Attention: Minor Hockey Associations
Hockey Manitoba would like to remind all associations that the deadline to register teams and submit rosters through the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) database to be eligible for Provincial Championship competition is December 1, 2011. Only teams that are registered by the deadline will be eligible to participate in the Hockey Manitoba Provincial Championships.
In addition, associations must designate which of their teams are entering Provincial Championship competition by completing and submitting the Provincial Championship Team Registration Form by December 15, 2011 to their applicable Hockey Manitoba Zone Registrar. The form can be downloaded here:
Provincial Championship Team Registration Form
Contact information for Hockey Manitoba Zone Registrars can be found here:
Hockey Manitoba Zone Registrar Contact Information
The Team Registration From also includes information on the categorization process that will assist associations in determining which provincial category their respective teams can enter. Please note that an updated list identifying each association's category for this year's Provincial Championships will be circulated on Monday December 5, 2011.
For Provincial Championship dates, host sites and contact information please visit our website at All team placements will be finalized at the Hockey Manitoba Semi Annual Meeting on January 6-7, 2012.
Questions regarding provincials can be forwarded to
Hockey Manitoba is proud to recognize Cargill Ltd. as the official partner of the Provincial Championships.
Thank you.
Hockey Manitoba