Shawn Lamb, Killarney – December 2009 Volunteer of the Month
Shawn’s involvement in hockey began back in the 1980’s as a player in Cartwright, Manitoba and continued as a Hockey Manitoba official for approx. 17 years. In 1998, Shawn became coach of one of the local Initiation teams, switched over to managing the following season and he has continued to manage a team every year. These teams have included: Initiation, Novice, Atom Boys and Girls, Pee Wee Boys and Girls, Bantam Boys and Girls as well as Westman South Regional Development Squads, Westman South Director`s Cup and Westman South Female Bantam Challenge teams.Shawn is a past member of the Killarney Minor Hockey Executive and is currently organizing the Regional Female Bantam Challenge Tryouts for the upcoming season.
Shawn was involved in getting girls hockey started in Killarney along with volunteers Larry Shackel, Paynter Graham and Daryle Lamb. Together with support from the local Elks club and Esso, they were able to put on the Esso Fun Day and officially get girls’ hockey off the ground.
Shawn`s involvement continued with the Regional Development Squads along side volunteers Bob Young and Marv Magwood, with the Director`s Cup along side Troy Leslie, Chad Leslie and Brad Vandenberge and this season with the Female Bantam Challenge Team together with the help of Daryle Lamb and Dwight Murray.
Highlights of Shawn`s management years include many league and provincial appearances including winning the 2006-2007 Bantam Boys Provincial B Championship along with the Tournament of Champions qualifier in Souris and the Southwest Recreational Hockey League Championship.He indicates that being a part of the 2007-2008 Provincial B Pee Wee girls championship team in a final game that took almost a full 7 periods to be decided stands out as well.
Shawn`s son Jayden (currently with the AAA Southwest Cougars) and daughter Erin (currently with Killarney Bantam Girls) keep he and wife Bertha`s free time occupied.
He tells Hockey Manitoba that his biggest reason for staying involved in hockey over the years is the friendships that are formed between fans, parents, players, coaches and managers.We all know that it takes a significant amount of time and dedication from Manitoba’s volunteers to foster our sport and Shawn would personally like to thank all those who have given their time and efforts each year.
Shawn says, “My best advice to anyone wanting to get involved with hockey is quite simple – Enjoy every minute, it will create friendships that last a lifetime.”
Hockey Manitoba congratulates Shawn Lamb as the December 2009 Volunteer of the Month.